She is still sleeping very well at night, waking up on her own about every 4 hours. However, last night she slept about 5 1/2 at one time! She will still occasionally stay asleep all day and then have trouble staying asleep that night, but that's getting less frequent...maybe once a week. She seems to sleep pretty well after we bathe her...another reason to look forward to bath nights. She has also gotten very good at getting back to sleep all on her own after a noise or bright light wakes her up. I've heard a lot of babies struggle with this, so we consider ourselves VERY lucky!
Her sight is definitely developing. She is not cross-eyed at all anymore (for the first few weeks she could only focus on things up close), and she is able to focus on our faces much better. I've tried showing her a few little toys, and she'll glance at them, but she's not interested yet. She's still only doing a few minutes of tummy-time, but we'll keep at it. She's slowly getting stronger in her arms and legs.
But the best part is...she's smiling! We're pretty sure they're not just gas, too.
What a sweet smile!