Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Well, almost another week here and gone...and still no baby. I just feel more and more uncomfortable everyday: taking shoes on and off, getting in and out of the car, picking things up off the get the idea! My belly just seems to be in the way of anything I want to do.

Baby seems to want out as well! Sometimes I'll feel her head down low and her feet in my ribs, like she's having a nice big stretch. It's incredible!

I know all the signs of labor- all my doctors and all my books have made sure of that- and it's frustrating to be so close to my due date and not feel anything remotely resembling labor, even the things you're supposed to feel a week or more in advance. It's cool to know that I'm effaced/dilated, but I just can't wait to feel something except huge! I'm definitely getting that classic, irrational fear of being pregnant forever...

I think I'll go walking again today. It's been chilly out, so I go to the fitness center here at the apartment and use the treadmill. I've been doing about 1 to 1.5 miles (over about 30 min), 2 or 3 times a week for the last few weeks. That's about as much as I can handle these days! It feels good though, and hopefully it will help the baby drop a little.

We have another appointment tomorrow afternoon...we're keeping our fingers crossed for more "baby steps"!
Here's me, at 39 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a belly!!! You look wonderful!!!
    No doubt you both/all three, are ready for this to happen so you can get on with the next stage...
    What a nice way to keep family/friends up to date. It'll be easy to add to it periodically (in your spare time???)
